The World Exposition 1970 will be held for the first time in Asia—at Osaka, Japan. The theme of the Exposition is “Harmony and Progress For Mankind”, it will begin on the 15th March, 1970 and will continue for six months until Sep-tember 13, 1970. Based on an area of 3.3 million square meters—on the hills of Suita—the Expo will display an arena of items depicting the vast progress of mankind. The Govern-ment of Pakistan has decided to participate in the Expo and the Pakistan Post Office is issuing a postage stamp of 50-Paisa de-nomination on March 15, 1970 to commemorate the occasion.
Pakistan’s participation in the Exposition is jointly organised with its two R.C.D. partners—Iran and Turkey. Housed under one roof, the three countries have separate sections. Erected on 300 square meters, Pakistan’s Pavilion will have on display items of archaeological and historical importance, manufactured goods, and representative articles of the country’s culture and tradition. The display is complemented with charts, graphs and other items of publicity depicting the land and its people. The pattern of the country’s structure both social and com-mercial is fully exhibited. The gradual shifting of the country’s role from a producer of primary items to one of a manufacturer of consumer goods is indicated through actual display of manu-factured goods.
The structure of Pakistan’s economy has undergone signi-ficant changes during the last 20 years. The share of agriculture in the gross national product, which was 59.9% in 1949-50, declined to 46.1 % in 1967-68, while the share of industry in-creased from 5.8% to 11.8% While in the early years Pakistan had to export raw Jute and raw cotton and import jute goads and cotton textiles, today she is not only self-sufficient in jute manufactures and textile goods -but has become an important exporter of these items. Similarly, products of many other local industries have found outlets in global markets. Pakistan’s imports are now predominantly industrial raw materials, machi-nery and fuels. The private sector activity, assisted by public investment and various concessions and facilities given by the Government of Pakistan, has been largely responsible for Pakis-tan’s rapid industrial growth. As against the investment provision of Rs. 437 crores during the Second Plan (1960-65), sanctions were given for Rs. 588.5 crores. Although in 1965-66 there was a general rise in output of all industries, it was parti-cularly pronounced in the case of jute goods (33.6%), sugar (16.4%), paper (12.7%) and hydrogenated vegetable oils (10.2%).
Pakistan’s economy being export-oriented, a number of measures have been taken by the Government to increase pro-duction, and expand and diversify the foreign trade. In 1960-61 manufactured goods amounted for 28 per cent of total exports of commodities in 1966-67 their share had risen to 48 per cent. The progressive improvement in export earnings reflects the essential soup4ess of the economy of Pakistan and the fiscal and administrative policies of the government. It also indicates that the business community of Pakistan acquiring the know-ledge and skill to meet international competition. Another contributing factor is the progressive diversification of Pakistan’s foreign trade. In the year 1960-61, Rs. 482 million worth of exports went to the non-traditional markets of Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East and South East Asia. 1i 1965-66 exports to these markets rose to Rs. 861 million. This change has been brought about in order to provide greater scope for Pakistan’s increasing export surpluses and to reduce dependence on traditional markets.
Pakistan’s Pavilion at Osaka thus projects a vivid image of this progress. And while this has been highlighted, tradition has not been forgotten: items such as handicrafts and hand-made articles such as pink pearls and jewelry, costume cloth, brass and copper ware and handloom products add to splendour of the display. Side by side arrangements have been made for making available the country’s main delicacies to visitors—to be served in a befitting style by Pakistani waiters.
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