To commemorate the Fiftieth Anni-versary of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (1921-1971), Pakistan Post Office is issuing a postage stamp of 20-Paisa denomination on 25th December 1971.
Jordan, an Arab country, lies south of Syria, west of Iraq, north of Saudi Arabia and east of the occupied part of Palestine. The port of Aqaba in the far south gives Jordan a narrow outlet to the Red Sea. Since the beginning of time, Jordan served as a stage for the rise and fall of successive civilizations, both indigenous and foreign, which have greatly influenced the course of human progress. The total area of the country including the West Bank is 37,500 sq. miles.
Pakistan which has very cordial relations with Jordan provides that country with training assistance in a number of fields including irrigation, telecommunications and banking. A number of cultural scholarships are also provided every year to the Jordanian students for studies in Pakistan. Jordan has also offered scholarships for Pakis-tani students for studies in Arabic lang-uage. The trade relations between the two countries have been successively strengthened. Exports from Pakistan have been gradually increasing. Phos-phate is Pakistan’s main import from Jordan.
Jordan has been extending valuable support to Pakistan on various occasions such as the Islamic Summit at Rabat in 1969.
Jordan is a constitutional monarchy. The King is head of the state and appoints the Prime Minister. There is a bi-cameral legislature. The Senate is appo-inted by the King. The House of Deputies is elected. In 1926, the late Amir Abdullah was proclaimed King and the country attained its full sovereignty. On termination of the British mandate from Palestine on 15 May 1948, hostilities broke out between the Arab States and the newly created so-called State of Israel. In April 1950, after the end of hostilities, the Jordanian Parliament representing Central Arab Palestine and Trans-Jordan, approved of the union of these two regions. His Majesty Hussein Bin Talall was proclaimed King by a decree of the Jordanian Parliament on August ii, 1952. King Hussein was crowned on May 2, 1953.
The flag of Jordan is horizontal tricolour of’ black, white and green with a seven pointed white star on a red triangle. The capital is Amman.
Jordan has a population of 20,17,000 including those in the West Bank. 90 percent of the population is Muslim. The subsistence of the large refugee population (including the 3,00,000 rend-ered homeless since 1948 partition) is strongly taxing the slender resources of the East Bank. Almost half the country’s population lived in areas now occupied by Israel which also consisted of 25 per cent of Jordan’s cultivable land. The occupied West Bank also contained the bulk of the industrial sector and nearly all the places of historical and touristic interest.
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