The present number of employees being 2500, the area was still found inadequate and, as such, its renovation and re-modelling was undertaken in 1984, completed in 1985 and the mosque was inaugurated by the President of Pakistan General Mohammad Zia-ul-Haq on 8th July, 1985.
Special features incorporated in the re-built structure are:
It is a miniature replica of the Badshahi Mosque, Lahore and has been redesigned and deco-rated on similar lines.
Thirteen while and onion-shaped domes of fibreglass in various sizes have been added. The pinnacles of the domes are also of fibreglass in golden finish.
Two big minarets, each of 27 feet height and octagonal in shape, with 8 small minarets have been added in red Colour Crete finish.
The entrance is representative of the main design of the mosque and has been decorated and finished with red Colour Crete. The same treatment has been given to the boundary walls of the courtyard to match the rest of the building. Outside and inside boundary walls have been decorated with 26 arches similar to those of the Badshahi Mosque.
An attractive glass 'shishakari' has been done in the 'Mehrab' for the lmam and pulpit for khutba. The area covered by this embellishment is 195 sq. ft. on both sides of the 'Mehrab'.
This includes beautiful calligraphy of 'Quranic Ayat' and verses in the praise of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him). An expensive decorative false ceiling of fibre glass has been added to enhance the interior beauty of the prayer hall and veranda, covering an area of 2100 sq. ft.
All wooden doors and windows have been replaced by aluminium fixtures fitted with tinted glass.
In the courtyard of the mosque, decorative rows of 'jainamaz' have been outlined in the mosaic floor of 2790 sq. ft.
Facility for ablution has been provided outside the southern boundary of the mosque in mosaic flooring and enough water taps to accommodate 36 'namazi' at a time.
The mosque is equipped with a modern public address system for delivering khutba'. leading the prayers and 'azaan'.
Invisible loudspeakers have been installed in the minarets of the mosque to broadcast the azaan' in all directions around the mosque.
In order to further extend the capacity of the mosque for the devotees, a huge lawn extending from the mosque entrance to the entrance of the main factory has been developed for accommodating larger congregation prayers. In the lawn area, a provision for shamianas is also made at the time of Juma Ramazan and Eid congregations.
The mosque building can accommodate about 600 devotees and the lawn is sufficient for about 10,000 devotees.
A permanent provision has been made for lighting the mosque on special occasions, e.g. Eidain, Shab-e-Qadr, Shab-e-Barat and Independence Day, etc. The lights are so placed that in the evening the white domes are lighted up and visible from a distance.
The scenic beauty of the mosque is further enhanced by the decorated railing on the road-side and the suitable plantation in the area.
Khateeb of the mosque is a qualified Qari and is assisted by a Muezzin. The Khateeb also teaches Quran inside the mosque to the children of the employees living in the vicinity including employees of the Security Papers Limited. The idea is to develop a Mosque 'Madrisa' in due course.
Pakistan Post Office is issuing two commemorative postage stamps of the denomination of Re.1/- each on September 14, 1985.
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