The late K. B. Hassanally Bey Effendi, a learned and foresighted Muslim lawyer, was an ardent advocate of education for Muslims on modern lines. He was convinced that education of his backward and poor community could only be undertaken if it was combined with a system of religious instruction rooted in the Islamic faith.
Taking inspiration from Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and in consultation with Justice Sir Syed Ameerali, a branch of the Central Muhammedan Association was founded in 1884, of which he was the first President. Systematic campaign among the Muslims of Sind to rid them of their prejudices against English education was launched. Hassanally Effendi undertook an extensive tour of Sind and enrolled members for the Muhammedan Association. The Association then formed Board of Management named \"THE SIND MADRESSAH BOARD\" for the establishment of \"SIND MADRESSAH-TUL-ISLAM\".
On the last day of August 1884, a small party consisting of friends and members of the Sind Madressah Board (not more than three dozen) were invited by KB Hassanally. At this simple party KB Hassanally Effendi described the back-ward condition of the Muslims of Sind and the steps taken by the Madressah Board to over come this backwardness by the establishment of the Sind Madressah-Tul-Islam. Moulvi Taj Muhammad recited the Holy Quran and declared the Madressah open.
While searching for a suitable premises, Mr. Hassanally Bay Effendi noticed the Crescent and Star on the top gate of Oaf us Saris on Frere Road (Shahrah-e-Liaquat) where he stopped and exclaimed: \"This place has got the Crescent and the Star and I swear by Allah that this place shall become Darul Islam\". He continued his effort and the Oaf Is Serai was soon acquired for educational purposes.
A suitable building for the Madressah was a great necessity and 1st September, 1885 will be long remembered not only by. Muslims of Sind but by every Pakistani. At long last, the scheme of Muslim education had matured and Sind Madressah-Tul-Islam, in it present shape, came into existence.
If today educated Muslims are found in the Province, it is only due to the wide-spread influence which Madresah has exercised in the area of education and enlightenment.
In 1886, Mr. W. W. Hunter, an eminent educationist of his time, visited Sind Madressah-Tul-Islam and remarked \"In Sind the question of Muhammedan education is being solved by the establishment of the Sind Madressah-Tul-Islam. It, no doubt, supplies a long felt need of the Province.\" Towards the end of the year 1886, the Madressah had its first annual inspection conducted by Mr. Hart Davis alongwith Messrs Allomul Tikamdass and Wali Mohammed Hassanally.
The result of the inspection was satisfactory and on its recommendation Grant-in-Aid was given to the School, thus recognising it as an aided institution.
By passage of time, the opposition grew feeble and Muslim public opinion grew stronger in favour of the movement for education. KB Hassanally and the Association then focussed their attention on the collection of funds for the Madressah. The first two donors were Nizam of Hyderabad Deccan and Nawab of Junagarh. With a sigh of relief, Mr. KB Hassanally turned his attention next to providing a boarding house f or boys from upcountry and also for Muslim students who came from Middle East.
The Sind Madressah-Tul-Islam can rightly take pride in producing great personalities in all walks of life. They include the Father of the Nation, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Au Jinnah. It can be justly said that the establishment of \'Sind Madressah-Tul-Islam was the beginning of the movement for separation of Sind from Bombay as a separate Province arid the lighting of a candle of struggle for Muslim independence in the sub-Continent. Sind Madressah-Tul-Islam played host to students from Aligarh University who stayed in the boarding house, which was a base for election campaign of Muslim League for Pakistan.
Pakistan Post Office is issuing a commemorative postage stamp of the denomination of Rs. 2 to commemorate the centenary of Sind Madressah-Tul-Islam, Karachi.
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