The commemoratives will be available for sale on and from 26th June, 1965 at all important Post Offices in Pakistan, at Philatelic Bureaux and Philatelic Counters at Karachi, Hyderabad, Quetta, Multan, Lyallpur, Sialkot, Murree, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Khulna, Dacca, Sylhet, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Moenjodaro, some of the Pakistan Diplomatic Missions abroad and Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corpora-tion, 225 West, 34th Street, Pennsylvania Building, New York, N.Y. (U.S.A).
At its eighteenth session in 1963, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution designat-ing the year 1965—the twentieth anniversary of the United Nations—as International Co-operation Year. The primary purpose of devoting 1965 to the theme of international co-operation is to increase public awareness of the everyday co-operation which already exists among nations; thereby creating a better climate for the solution of major international problems in the common interest of mankind.
The Assembly established a Committee to draw up and co-ordinate plans for the year and, in consultation with member governments, specialized agencies and non-governmental or-ganizations, to organize and prepare for suitable activities to be undertaken. One of the recommendations of the Committee was for the United Nations Postal Administration and member states to issue commemorative stamps honouring jointly the United Nations’ twentieth anniversary and the International Co-operation Year. Pakistan Post Office is issuing this set of stamps in response thereto. The Assembly also called upon all Member States, the specialized agencies, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the non-governmental organizations concerned:
(a)to take note of the designation of 1965 as International Co-operation Year;
(b)to publicize to the widest feasible extent the activities of international co-operation in which they had been and were engaged and their efforts to strengthen and to expand these activities; and (c)to formulate such plans and programmes as seemed to them appropriate to promote the purpose of the International co-operation year.
In pursuance of the above, appropriate plans are being prepared in all regions of the world to observe the International co-operation year. The activities contemplated differ from country to country depending on national customs, resources, institutional arrangements and on the principal international pre-occupations and concerns. In many countries, arrangements have been made to give greater publicity to the United Nations efforts in the field of international co-operation in order to achieve a deeper and wider understanding of the aims, purposes and achievements of the United Nations family of organizations.
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