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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Drug Free Society Preventive Education Against Drug Abuse. (1987-4)

The Government of Pakistan is faced with an escalating menace of drugs abuse. Narcotics drugs like opium, heroin and cannabis are abused by 1.7 million people falling in the age group of 15-25 years. The abuse of narcotic drugs have affected every social strata and income group. The large scale production, processing, trafficking and abuse of narcotics call for a concerted effort to save the socio-economic fabric of the nation. Pakistan Narcotics Control Board have launched a series of programmes for the elimination of narcotic menace. These include: Eradication narcotics production and processing. Control of narcotic trafficking. Treatment and rehabilitation of addicts. Education for the prevention of drug abuse. The four dimensional thrust by Government has yielded encouraging results. Production of opium from a peak figure in 1980 of 800 metric tons has been gradually reduced to less than 40 metric tons in 1985. Plans are underway to eliminate the remaining production. The scope of Government efforts in the Law Enforcement Field was also considerably enhanced by the enactment in 1984 of the revisions the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1930 and Prohibition (Enforcement of Hadd) Orders of 1979, enhancing punishment to life imprisonment to narcotics traffickers. Preventive education is recognised as a potential factor for achieving success in the field of drug abuse in Pakistan, in view of the strong social and religious pressures. Preventive education about drugs is being introduced as special subject in school and college education. This will involve educationists parents and teachers for character building and personality development of youth for achieving a drug abuse free society. Pakistan Narcotics Control Board has been seized of the problem for quite sometime, and it is considered that in the sphere of drug abuse prevention parents can play an important role. In fact parent can play responsibility in this connection is much vaster and much more comprehensive than is generally recognised. It starts from the day child is born and transcends his or her infancy adolescence and youth. It is parents duty to provide the child a congenial and pleasant atmosphere, to give him due attention, create an atmosphere of love, affection and understanding and allow maximum latitude to develop his personality without being indifferent and discreetly watch his activities and contacts. This attitude is then the basis of the child\'s personality and its continuation will prevent him from many psychic complications which often lead to first use of drugs. Adolescence is the most dangerous period of child\'s life. It is for the parents to provide the child with healthy recreational leisure activities, keep an eye on the company he keeps. Pakistan Narcotics Control Board has devised short term and long terms objective in Preventive Education and drug abuse. PNCB is trying to induct drug education in the syllabus of schools and colleges.. The Board of Curriculum of the Ministry of Education have agreed to prescribe the education slowly into the 6th to 8th level. It is considered a matter of high priority to educate the nation regarding the adverse effects of drug abuse. An awareness programme has been launched through the use of national television network, radio and news-papers, conferences, seminars, symposia, public meetings and group discussion have been organised in education institutions all over the country. Non-Governmental Organisations, Private Medical Practitioners, social workers, religious leaders and community elders are also actively participating in the drug abuse preventive measures through family intervention and community action programmes. Regarding treatment and rehabilitation of addicts, Government has effectively reacted to the need to the increasing incidence of narcotic abuse and to reduce the demand, particularly for heroin. In a period of 3 years (1984-86), 26 treatment and rehabilitation centres have been established all over the country. These centres have been successfully engaged in the fight against addiction and have cured about 55,000 addicts of the habit of drug abuse. Over 500 private medical practitioners have been trained country wide to treat drug addicts in their private clinics. 250 social workers from Non-Governmental Organisations, have also been trained in preparing society for community intervention against drug abuse. The Non-Governmental Organisations are in the vanguard to save the nation from the scourge of narcotic. The participation of NGOs Social Workers is an outstanding example of service to a noble cause. There are about 50 NGOs rendering assistance to society in one form or another to eradicate the menace of narcotics. The National Federation of NGOs for drug abuse prevention with its 25 members in the four provinces of Pakistan providing drug abuse prevention service in 30 cities is striving hard to create a drug abuse free society in the country. The salient features of NGOs programmes are: Treatment (Detoxification) of addicts free or at a subsidized cost. Rehabilitation of addicts in society and job placement. Education of parents to protect their children from the abuse of Narcotics drugs. Involvement of the community for intervention against narcotics availability and prevention of use. Assistance to law enforcement agencies in the control of narcotics distribution and interdiction of trafficking. Creation of awareness against narcotics through meetings, publication and distribution of literature, posters, stickers and leaflets. Pakistan shares with the rest of the world a deepening concern over the increasing frequency of illicit manufacturing and smuggling of narcotics and is extending every cooperation to the International Community to eradicate this evil. Government commitment to the elimination of productions, processing; trafficking and consumption of narcotics is total and unqualified. We look forward to a drug free society within the country and indeed throughout the world and we are determined and dedicated to cooperate with all individuals and nations to achieve this objective. In fact the policy being pursued firmly by the Government of Pakistan is based on the conviction that concerted Global effort must be made through unreserved and wholehearted collaboration among all nations to eradicate the scourge of narcotics abuse. To focus attention on escalating menace of Drug Abuse Pakistan Post Office is issuing one postage stamp of Re. 1/- value on June 30, 1987.

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