50-Paisa: Portrays the bridge ‘SEEYO-SE-POL’ at Isfahan set in a yellow border. The top of the border bears the caption R.C.D: 6th Anniversary 21.7.70’ in black colour, the words ‘Turkey-Iran-Pakistan’ in brown. The lower border bears the value in the lower left corner. The figure ‘50’ is in brown, and the words ‘Postage’ and ‘Paisa’ in black. The words ‘The bridge SEEYO~SE-POL-ESFAHAN’ and the words ‘Pakistan’ in Urdu, Bengali and English are also in black.
Re.1/- Reproduces ‘a view from Fethiye’ in Turkey. The layout is the same as in 20-Paisa stamp. A yellow border sur-rounds the view. The top of the border bears the words ‘Pakistan’ in Bengali, English and Urdu in red colour as well as the words ‘a view from Fethiye, Turkey’ in the lower border, below the illustration. The caption ‘R.C.D. 6th Anniversary 2 1.7.70’ and the words ~Turkey-1ran-Pakistafl’ are in black. The value Re. 1/- and the word Postage’ are also in black and are placed on the sky. To mark the Sixth Anniversary of the establishment of the Regional Co-operation for Development, the Pakistan Post Office is issuing a set of three commemorative postage stamps of 20-Paisa, 50-Paisa and Re. 1.00 denominations. Sets of three commemorative stamps in similar designs are also being issued simultaneously by the Government of Iran and Turkey.
The Regional Co-operation for Development (R.C.D.) is a tripartite movement by Iran, Pakistan and Turkey aimed at closer economic, technical and cultural cooperation and promot-ing economic advancement and welfare of over 180 million people of this Region. The decision to form this economic grouping was taken on July 21, 1964, by the Heads of State! Government of Iran, Pakistan and Turkey who had gathered in Istanbul in a Summit meeting.
The establishment of RCD was a natural evolution of historic forces that had been at work over the past centuries. The three brotherly nations of Iran, Pakistan and Turkey already had much in common and their association towards a solid regional economic group was found to be most natural. The three are neighbours and they enjoy ancient historical ties. The concept of RCD and its purposes have aroused enthusiasm and expectations among the peoples of Iran, Pakistan and Turkey.
During the period of six years of its existence, the RCD has made significant strides and has concrete results to show. It has not only defined the scope of its working, taken organisational shape and established certain basic infrastructure facilities’ and institutional arrangements but has also emerged successfully from the stage of basic planning and preparatory work and has entered the phase of implementation covering a large area of cooperation in the socio-economic fields.
Telecommunication continues to make steady progress. The member countries have reduced the transit charges for manual operated transit calls. To improve thie efficiency of regional microwave system, an International Control Centre has been established in Tehran. The work on road and rail link between Iran and Turkey is progressing satisfactorily. Further close cooperation among the airlines of the three countries is in progress and studies are on the anvil for joint integrated opera-tions. The progress on shipping is impressive, the RCD Ship-ping Service continue to serve Turkish and Pakistan trades from USA. Arya National Shipping Lines and South Shipping Lines of Iran would commence its services shortly.
The progress in the field of joint industrial enterprises has been very satisfactory. The number of approved and/or approved in principle joint purpose enterprises is 55 at the present. The RCD forums have recently proposed the approval of a new joint purpose enterprise on the manufacture of Tetracycline. Out of the 55 approved and/or approved in principle joint purpose enterprises, 13 projects have already gone into production.
In September 1968, the three Ministers of Commerce and Economy met at Tehran and decided that the Secretary-General of RCD should request the UNCTAD/GATT to undertake a study in 1969 to identify all barriers impeding intra-regional trade and to make recommendations for its liberalisation and expansion. The UNCTAD accepted this assignment and completed their study in the shortest possible time in this report entitled, ‘Trade Expansion amongst RCD Countries; the Pot-ential, the Obstacles, the Possible Courses of Action.’ The record of cooperation and implementation in the field of insur-ance is impressive.
Member Governments signed an RCD Agreement for Tech-nical Assistance which is under implementation since 1965. Under the Annual RCD Programme of Technical Assistance, a large number of experts, trainees and students are mutually exchanged between the three countries. Great emphasis is being laid on promoting cultural cooperation among the RCD coun-tries at people to people level. Artists, sportsmen, writers and journalists are being exchanged under the annual cultural exchange programme. The cooperation between the three Press, TV and other Information Media of the three countries is progressing very satisfactorily in order to bring the people of the Region closer together.
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