My name is Wahid Zia. I am collecting stamps since the last 44 years (1980). I created a blog which includes the information of Pakistan all stamps. W/W new issues & all issues of Pakistan from 1947 to date are available on this blog. I invite you to visit my blog and get useful information.

Monday, August 31, 2009

World Communication Year- 1983, PAKPHILEX-83 (November 13, 1983)

National Stamp Exhibition “PAKPHI LEX’ 83” is being held from 1.3 Nov. to 18 Nov. 1983, to celebrate “World Communications Year - 1983”. The exhibition has been organized by the Pakistan Post Office with the assistance of Lahore Museum, Pakistan Philatelic Society, Lahore and the Stamp Society of Pakistan, Karachi. “PAK-PHI LEX 83” is divided into two classes (I) Non Competitive and (ii) Competitive. In the “Non Competitive” Class exhibits of the Pakistan Post Office, Lahore Museum, Pakistan Security Printing Corporation as well as collections of the jurers and eminent philatelist shall be on display which include certain extremely rare and historic stamps of lndo Pakistan subcontinent such as the “Scinde Dawk” Stamp (blue) as well as stamps and postal stationery of other countries. In the “Competitive class” exhibits in the following groups will be on display (i) Pakistan (ii) Muslim World (iii) Rest of the World (iv) Thematic Collections (v) Aerophilately (vi) Postal History and Postal Stationery (vii) Philatelic Literature and (viii) Youth/Junior class.
Medals and certificates shall be awarded to the winners in each group of the competitive class on the basis of the decision by the panel of Jury appointed for this purpose. Special prizes/medals have also been placed at the disposal of the Jury to be awarded to the exhibits meriting special recognition. Special Medallions shall also be presented to invitees in the ‘Non-Competitive” Class.
To commemorate “PAKPHILEX’83”, Pakistan Post Office is issuing on November 13, 1983 a miniature sheet of 12 stamps having 2 horizontal panels each of six stamps in se-tenant each stamp of 60 Paisa value, depict a view of the historic city of Lahore (1852).

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