To emphasize the fundamental importance of ‘Communications’ as an essential element in the economic and social development of all countries, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 36/40 on 19th November’ 1981 and proclaimed 1983 as the “World Communications Year.” The basic objectives of the Year as laid down by the General Assembly are: a)to provide an opportunity for all countries to review and analyze their policies on communications development and
b)to stimulate the accelerated development of communications infrastructures.
Next only to food, shelter and energy on the list of vital human needs, communications serve as a key factor in the social, economic and cultural development, of nations. In the “World Communications Year 1983” attention is to be focused on development of communications infrastructures at the national & international level.
As the world today is getting smaller and smaller man’s needs to communicate grow even faster which has resulted in spiraling demand for more and more communication facilities. Therefore the development of communications infrastructures all over the world is the primary objective of the “World Communications Year”.
Pakistan Post Office has taken the following measure in connection with the celebration of the “World Communications Year”:-
i)A National Philatelic Exhibition namely “Pakphilex-83” is being organized during November, 1983.
ii)A set of six commemorative stamps will be issued on the eve of National Philatelic Exhibition during November 1983.
iii)Letter writing competition for South Asian Region has been held recently to celebrate the ‘World Communications Year”. Three prizes shall be awarded along with stamp albums in Addition to a souvenir and a medal to the first prize winner.
iv) A letter writing competition at National level has also been held for selecting entries for world competition. Three prizes shall be awarded to national winners.
In addition, albums of Pakistan postage stamps shall also be given to the winners.
v)Special: folders and stamp albums have been prepared for sale to general public and stamp collectors.
vi)Senior Postal Officers shall contribute articles to the press on different aspects of postal services with special emphasis on the importance of communications for economic and social development and the need for removing the striking imbalance in the distribution of communications resources.
vii) A Postal Service week shall be observed towards the end of November, 1983 to emphasize the importance of the post as a factor in National development.
In addition to the above mentioned programme a set of two postage stamps is being issued on October 9,1983 to commemorate the World Communications Year.
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