The OIC was established in Rabat on 12 Rajab 1389H (25 September 1969) when the first ever meeting of the leaders of the Islamic world was held in the wake of the criminal attempt to burn down the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied city of Al Quds, the Rabat Summit asserted the unity of the Ummah and voiced its determination to pool its resources, combine its efforts and speak with one voice to safeguard the interests and secure the progress and well being of muslims the world over.
Islamic Solidarity among member states. Co-operation in the political, economic, social, cultural and scientific fields. The struggle of all Muslim people to safeguard their dignity independence and national rights.
Co-ordinate action to:
Safeguard the Holy Places Support the struggle of the Palestinian people and assist them in recovering their rights and liberating their occupied territories.
Work to:
Eliminate racial discrimination and all forms of colonialism.
Create a favourable atmosphere for the promotion of co-operation and understanding between the member states and other countries.
In order to achieve objectives the OIC has main bodies, secondary organs, institutions and specialised committee.
Conference of Kings and Heads of State:
The Islamic Summit Conference is the Supreme body of the 010 entrusted to examine questions of vital importance and spell out the organisation. The Conference meets every three years or whenever the interests of the Muslim nation so requires. To date, seven summit conferences have been held:
The Rabat Summit, 22-25 September 1969.
The Lahore Summit, 22-24 February 1974.
The Makkah a! Mukarramah Taif Summit, 25-28, January 1981.
The Casablanca Summit, 16-19 January 1984.
The Kuwait Summit, 26-29 January 1987.
The Dakar Summit, 9-12 December 1991.
The Casablanca Summit, 13-14 December 1994.
The current Chairman of the Conference is His Highness King Hassan II of Morocco.
The OIC was born, like many of its members, in the heady decade of the 1 960s when the peoples of Asia and Africa were breaking free of the last shackles of colonialism. It is therefore befitting that the 010 Extraordinary Summit in Islamabad should coincide with the commemoration of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan\'s Golden Jubilee of Independence. Pakistan is the only state in the world created in the name of Islam. What better tribute to fifty years of Independence that to celebrate it with our Muslim brothers.
The theme of the Islamabad Summit is \"Preparing the Islamic World for the 21st Century\" The world around us has undergone a fundamental transformation since the birth of the 010 some two and a half decades ago. Today Mankind stands poised at the threshold of new era, an era where the world shrinks everyday with the advances in information and communications technology.
Consequently, it is an ear where understanding, tolerance and amity among peoples becomes all the more vital. The 010 has a pivotal role to play in the shaping of this new era by, at one level, defining new perspectives towards promoting the solidarity of the Ummah, and at another, building bridges of harmony and peace with the rest of the world.
\"An those who strive in our (CAUSE) we will certainly guide them to our Path.\" (Al-Quran S.XX.IX.69)
(Contributed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pakistan)
To commemorate the occasion Pakistan Post is issuing a stamp of Rs. 2/-denomination on March 23rd, 1997.
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