When sound broadcasting was introduced in South Asia in the thirties the broadcasts were formal and impersonal meant for an elitist audience. After independence Radio Pakistan developed its own identity but the pattern and cadence of its broadcasts remained the same. On 1. 1 . 1987 Radio Pakistan brought about a major change in its communication strategy and programme presentation to bring them in line with the needs of the time. The new approach is scientific, progressive, investigative, life-related, motivational with focus on current affairs. It is, area-specific, field-oriented> result and target-related developmental broad-casting. The 270 hours of daily transmission have been divided into one hour chunks, each chunk being planned, produced and presented by one producer with the help of a compare. The comparing is direct, to-the-point and the communication is sincere and strictly one to one. Under the new concept new audiences have been added besides those already being looked after such as children, students, women, youth, farmers, industrial labour and the rural population. The new audiences include hospital patients, consumers, hobbyists, truck drivers, night workers, physically handicapped etc.
The new concept of broadcasting by the grace of God has clicked and by and large radio programmes have been well-received by the listeners. This would be amply clear from the large number of press reports, reviews, write-ups and articles appearing in the national and regional languages newspapers and a survey conducted by a prestigious Research Organization of Pakistan. This is also borne out by the increase in the number of letters received at different Radio Stations which has gone up by three to four times the number received before the introduction of the new broadcasting concept.
Contributed by Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation
To commemorate Radio Pakistan\'s new concept of Broadcasting, Pakistan Post Office is issuing a stamp of 80 Paisa denomination on December31, 1987.
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