Pakistan Post Office, too, began to perform its pristine functions the moment Pakistan came into being when this Department started sending the reverberations of ‘Pakistan Zindabad’
Although efforts were made soon after the Independence to introduce Pakistan postage stamps on the 14th August, 1947 yet, the Security Printing Press at Nasik near Bombay. which had been printing postage stamps for long, could not find it possible to do so. It was, therefore, decided to have the Indian postage stamps overprinted with the word ‘Pakistan’ and introduce them on the 14th August, 1947.
This also proved too much for the Printers and from August 14, 1947 to September 30, 1947 the Indian postage stamps were freely used in the territories comprising Pakistan as well. The King George VI Indian postage stamps over printed with the word ‘Pakistan’ were introduced on 1st October, 1947.
The over printing was done by the Security Printing Press, Nasik as well as by Government Presses in Pakistan. Hand stamping of such stamps was not authorized, although a number of stamps over printed by hand are available. These overprints were invalidated on 31st October, 1949 and finally destroyed.
The first purely Pakistani postage stamps appeared on 9th July, 1948 in a set of four with the word ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ inscribed on them.
These were, however, commemorative and not regular stamps. The first regular series of stamps (also called definitive! ordinary) consisting of a set of twenty stamps was issued on the 14th August, 1948. This series has the singular distinction of containing two designs of historic significance; one design depicting ‘Crescent and Star’ facing north east in the value of one Anna which was personally approved by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad All Jinnah and the other also depicting Crescent and Star and designed by the world famous Artist Abdul Rehman Chughtai (Re 1 value) was adjudged as one of the most beautiful stamps of she world.
The set consisted of the following denominations 3 Pies, 6 Pies, 9 Pies, 1 Anna, 1 1/2 Anna, 2 Anna, 2 1/2 Anna, 3 Anna, 3 1/2 Anna, 4 Anna, 6 Anna, 8 Anna, 10 Anna, 12 Anna, Re 1, Rs 2, Rs 5, Rs 10, Rs 15, Rs 25.
The Second Regular Series with ‘Crescent and Star Facing North West’ was issued in February 1949 and consisted of a set of eight stamps (1 Anna, 1 1/2 Anna, 2 Anna, 3 Anna, 6 Anna, 8 Anna, 10 Anna, 12 Anna) .
The Third Regular Series was released on the occasion of the 4th Anniversary of Independence on 1401 August, 1951 and consisted of nine stamps in the values of 2 1/2 Anna, 3 Anna, 3 1/2 Anna, again issued with corrected Urdu denomination 2 ½ Anna, 4 Anna, 6 Anna, 8 Anna, 10 Anna, 12 Anna.
The Fourth Regular Series was brought out on the occasion of the 7th Anniversary of Independence (14th August, 19541 and consisted of seven stamps in the values of 6 pies, 9 Pies, 1 Anna, 1 ½ Anna, 14 Anna, Re. 1/- and Rs 2.
The Fifth Regular Series consisting of a set of five stamps was released on the 8th Anniversary of Independence on the 14th August 1955. These were in the value of 2% Anna, again issued with corrected Urdu denomination as 2/12 Anna, 6 Anna, B Anna, 12 Anna.
The Sixth Regular Series consisting of a single stamp of 2 Anna was issued on the 9th Anniversary of Independence (14th August, 19561.
Note All the regular series stamps prior to this 9th Anniversary issue were being printed by Thomas De La Rue London; henceforth all regular series stamps were printed by the PSPC.
The Seventh Regular Series was released on the ‘Second Anniversary of the Republic Day’ on March 23, 1958 and consisted of a single stamp of Rs 15 denomination (Interestingly the world coconut has been misspelled as coconut on this definitive stamp. This mistake was not corrected subsequently) .
The Eighth Regular Series was again issued on the ‘Anniversary of the Republic Day on March 23, 1960 and comprised a set of 4 stamps (6 Pies, 2 Anna, 8 Anna, Re 1). All these stamps for the first time depicted a map showing the correct position of Jammu and Kashmir viza-a-viz Pakistan & India.
Time Ninth Regular Series was issued on the ‘Introduction of Decimal Coinage’ with effect from lst January, 1961. The series consisted of the following classification.
a). Five stamps in Khyber Pass design.
b). Eight stamps in Shalimar Gardens design.
c). Four stamps in Gate Way of Chota Sona Masjid design.
d). Nine stamps overprinted with the decimal coinage (in black) on the old Pies anti Anna series stamps (total 26 stamps).
All these 26 stamps were issued on different dates ranging between January 1, 1961 till March 23. 1972. A denomination wise break up of these is given below.
a) Khyber Pass
1p 01-01-1961
2P 12-01-1961
3P 27-10-1961
6P 2303-1961
7P 23-02-1961
b) Shalimar Garden
10p 14-08-1961
13P 14.08-1961
15P 31-12-1964
20P 26-01-1970
25P 01-01-1962
40P 01-01-1962
50P 01-01-1962
75P 23-03-1962
90P 01-01-1962
a) Chota Sona Masjid Gate Way
Re 1 07-01.1963
Rs 1/25 27-10-1961
Rs 2 07-01 -1963
Rs 5 07-01-1963
1P 10-01 -1961 (14-08-1954 issue)
2P 01-01-1961 (14-08-1948 issue)
3P 01-01-1961 (23-03-1960 issue)
4P 18-07-1968 (14-08-1951 issue)
7P 14-03-1961 (14-08-1954 issue)
13 P01 -01-1961 (23-06-1960 issue)
13 P14-02-1961 (14-08-1956 issue)
60P 18-07-1968 (14-08-1951 issue)
The Tenth Regular Series consisting of three stamps 2P, 3P and 5P depicting the ‘Minar-e-Qarardad-e-.Pakistan’ was issued on 07-1 1-1978.
The Eleventh Regular Series depicting a ‘Tractor’ symbolizing the importance of the use of modern technology n agriculture) was launched between 11-10-1978 to 25-03-1979 and contained 8 stamps in different values. These value & issue dates are as follows.
1) l0P 11-10-1978
2) 20P 25-03-1979
3) 25P 19-03-1979
4) 40P 16-12-1978
5) 50P 19-03-1979
6) 60P 16-12-1978
7) 75P 16-12-1978
8) 90P 16-12-1978
The Twelfth Regular Series depicting Ibrahim Khan Makli’s Tomb at Thatta (Sindh Province) was released between 17-11-1979to01-01-1982 and consisted of 6 stamps, the values & issue dates are as follows.
1) Re 1, 02-02-1980
2) Rs 1.50, 17-11-1979
3) Rs 2, 17-11-1979
4) Rs 3, 04-06-1980
5) Ps 4, 01-01-1982
6) Rs 5, 01-01-1982
Meanwhile provisional stamps were also issued in geometric and leaf pattern design (printed by M/s Secure Singapore) between 15th January, 1980 to 10th March, 1980 to over come the prevailing shortage of regular postage stamps. These consisted of a set of seven stamps. Their issue dates are as follows.
10 -Paisa
This was the second time that provisional stamps were issued by the Pakistan Post Office. The first provisional, were King George VI Indian stamps overprinted ‘Pakistan’ which were released on 1st October 1947 and remained in use till 31st October 1949.
The Thirteenth Regular Series consisting of a set of eight stamps depicting the ‘Forts of Pakistan’ was issued between 16-06-1984 to 01-12-1986. Detail of the issue is given below.
1) 5P Kot Diji Fort 01-11-1984
2) l0P Rohtas Fort 25-09-1984
3) 15P Balahisar Fort 01 -12-1986
4) 20P Attack Fort 16-06-1984
5) 50P Hyderabad Fort 10~04-1986
6) 60P Lahore Fort 16-06-1984
7) 70P Sibi Fort 03-08-1986
8) 80P Rani Kot Fort 01-07-1986
The present set of six stamps ie Re 1, Rs 1.50, Rs 2, Rs 3, Rs 4 and Rs 5 released on the eve of ‘INDEPENDENCE DAY’ (14th August, 1989) depict a portrait of Quaid-i-Azam Mohammed All Jinnah. This is the Fourteenth Regular Series released so far by Pakistan Post Office.
It is worthy to note that all postage stamps in regular series except stamps depicting ‘Tractor’, the ‘Forts’ of Pakistan as well as the ‘provisional’ stamps that were issued in 1980 have been printed in the ‘Recess’ process which is also known as ‘Die printing’, ‘Intaglio’ and ‘Taille Douce’.
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