Results have been encouraging - in 1980 of some 800 tons to less than 120 tons in 1988. Plans are underway for eliminating the remaining production, with major spent from International Community.
The findings of National Survey on Drug Abuse 1988, show that of the estimated 2.24 million drug abusers in Pakistan, the vast majority at over 48% are heroin abusers. The breakdown is as follows.
Heroin: 1,079,635
Charas: 722,880
Other drugs: 49,515
If we analyze, the drug abusers by their age, the predominance of heroin users in the younger age bracket, is appalling, and it falls in the 15-30 year age group. The average drug user is uneducated. 48% or nearly half of the users are illiterate or had no formal education.
At the same time about 24% are matriculate. In urban areas about half of the users are married and half are single, but in the rural areas the majority or about 60% of the users were single. Pakistan Government has launched a series of programmes for the elimination of narcotic menace. These include.
1. Eradication of narcotics production and processing.
2. Control of narcotics trafficking.
3. Education of prevention of drug abuse.
4. Treatment and rehabilitation of addicts.
The scope of Government efforts in the law enforcement field was considerably enhanced by enactment in 1984 of the revision of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1930 and Prohibition (Enforcement of Hadd) Ordinance 1979 enhancing punishment to life imprisonment to narcotic traffickers.
Preventive Education is recognised as a potential factor for achieving success in. the field of drug abuse in Pakistan. Pakistan Government, Ministry of Education introduced the drug education in the syllabus of class VI to X classes, not as special subject, but by infusion approach, in different subjects, ACTION PLAN - 1989 THE YEAR AGAINST DRUG ABUSE.
The Prime Minister of Pakistan while addressing the Inaugural Session of the 4th Summit of SAARC at Islamabad on December 29, 1988, was pleased to declare 1989 as the year against narcotics production, processing, trafficking and abuse. The Islamabad Declaration of the SAAFIC Summit has also highlighted 1989 as the SAARC year against Drug Abuse.
The Pakistan Narcotics Control Board in order to implement the directive of the Prime Minister and the Islamabad Declaration proposes the following Action Plan against narcotics during the year 1989.
Effective enforcement of ban on poppy cultivation and eradication of poppy crop cultivated in various administrative districts of NWFP and Tribal Areas of Pakistan.
Collection of intelligence on the functioning of heroin processing labor-atories and putting them out of commission particularly in the Tribal Areas of NWFP and Baluchistan.
Strict law enforcement action against narcotic traffickers, dealers, dumping places and distribution points. This should be done on a “crash programme” basis all over the country.
Delegation of authority to Police and PNCB to arrest major narcotic traffickers, financiers and persons involved in narcotics trade through Preventive detention (MPO) .
Organization of Regional Convention on Drug Control.
Meeting of SAARC countries NGOs will be organized in Islamabad to launch a programme of drug abuse prevention by .NGOs in SAARC countries.
PNCB/DAPRC will bring out a Special SAARC Issue in 1989 of the “Narcotics Information Bulletin”.
Participation of SAARC countries representatives in the PNCB programme for the prevention of drug abuse through the training and network of Preventive Resource Consultants.
A “Day Against Drug Abuse” should be celebrated in all SAARC countries including the following activities.
A message by the Heads of States through electronic and print media against drug abuse.
Organization of drug awareness events by local communities.
Concerned Government Ministries/Departments in all SAARC Countries should also launch an effective campaign against producers, traffickers and dealers.
A well-planned series of lectures, film shows and distribution of educational material in all secondary schools, colleges and universities should be carried out to educate the student youth about the harmful effects of narcotics abuse.
Post Office Department should consider issue of postage stamps and envelopes of certain denominations of narcotics prevention - 1989. The year Against Drug Abuse.
Pakistan shares with the rest of the world a deepening concern over the increasing frequency of illicit manufacturing and smuggling of narcotics and is extending every cooperation to International Community and especially the SAARC countries to eradicate this evil. Government commitment for the elimination of production, processing and trafficking and consumption of narcotics is total and unqualified.
We look forward to a drug free society in all the SAARC countries and as per Islamabad Declaration a high level of cooperation is required to eradicate the scourge of narcotics abuse in all SAARC countries.
Contributed by Pakistan Narcotics Control Board.
To focus world attention on the ‘Drug Abuse . Society’s Menace’ and to commemorate ‘1989 SAARC YEAR AGAINST NARCOTICS’, Pakistan Post Office is issuing one stamp of Rs 7 denomination on December, 1989.
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