As of late May, over 2.5 million registered refugees have fled the Swat region, coupled with internally displaced persons from previous operations in Bajaur Agency and other parts of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), almost 3 million people have been displaced from their homes. Out of these 3 million IDP’s only 20% are residing in 26 camps in six distracts of NWFP manily Mardan, Charsada and Peshawar. While 80% are living at their own like in the unused schools buildings, under construction colonies or with their relatives and friends.
All most the IDP’s have come only in their personal clothing with small bags and no cash since the banks had become Non-operative in the region. Coming from hill stations, the Sweltering heat under thin tents with no electricity is a real test of their forbearance. Facing the gigantic challenges, restless efforts are under way to provide basic amenities to the IDP’s living in camps. A $ 1 billion flash appeal from the President of Pakistan $ 543 million appeal from the U.N High Commission on Refugees for greater humanitarian aid must be met with a stepped-up response from the international community. International private relief funds, NGO’s and Civil Society groups are required to build people-to people relations by showing a commitment to helping Pakistan’s distressed communities.
In order to generate the funds for Swat refugees, Pakistan Post has decided to issue a Special Miniature Stamps Sheet for Prime Minister’s Relief funds for Swat Refugees (to be shortly called as Swat Refugees Stamps Sheet) with eight stamps of Rs.5/- denomination perforated there in with the face value of the sheet as Rs.100/- on August 01, 2009
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