Scouting is an educational movement for young people and contributes to their personal and social development. It is a voluntary, non-political and democratic movement which is open to all. Today there are more than 16 million Scouts in the world. About 200 million people have been Scouts during their lifetime, including many prominent personalities.
The success of the book produced a Movement that quickly adopted the name of “Boy Scouts” and necessitated the establishment of a headquarter to administer it. By 1909 the Movement had taken firm roots as evident from the fact that a Scout Rally in London attracted more than 11,000 Scouts. The book “Scouting for Boys” had been translated into five languages.
The first world jamboree took place in 1920 in London and proved that young people of different nations could meet to share common interests and ideals. Since then there had been 13 World Jamborees at various places.
Between the two World Wars Scouting Movement continued to flourish almost in all parts of the world. Today scouting is a growing Movement with members in nearly every country in the free world.
In Pakistan scouting was founded soon after the country came into existence in August, 1947. It has rendered invaluable services in evacuation of marooned people, collection and distribution of clothes and food during floods, providing First Aid in refugee camps and giving inoculations against small pox end cholera during epidemics in the country. The purpose and principles of Scouting in Pakistan are as follows:—
Motto: Almustaid (Be Prepared). Promise: To do my duty to God and my Country, to help other people at all times, to obey the Scout Law. Law (1) A Scout’s honour is to be trusted. (2) A Scout is loyal to his country, his Scouters, his Parents, his emplo-yers end to those under him. (3) A Scout’s duty is to be useful and to help others. (4) A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout, no matter to what country, class or creed the other may belong. (5) -A Scout is courteous. (6) A Scout is kind to animals. (7) A Scout obeys his parents and Petrol Leaders without question.
(B) A Scout smiles under all difficulties. (9) A Scout is thrifty. (10) A Scout is clean in thought, word and deed.
In order to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Scout Movement in 1982 and the 125th birthday of its founder Lard Baden-Powell of Gilwell the year 1992 has been declared “the Year of Scouting”. Pakistan Post Office is issuing a stamp of the denomination of Rs. 2/- on 23rd December 1982 to Commemorate the occasion.
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