After Independence in 1947, it was the sole medical college of the -Country, has provided manpower in the field of medicine for the nation and also for many brother ly countries in West Asia and Africa. Its graduates are settled as respected doctors many Countries of Europe, Far East, Australia and United States of America.
This College was also the first centre in Pakistan from where post-graduate education in medicine was imparted and still houses on its campus the Post-Graduate Medi Institute. Most of the Principals, members of teaching staff of medical colleges throughout Pakistan, majority of specialists in the districts of the Punjab and quite a few in other provinces of the Country are the products of the King Edward Medical College, Lahore.
At the time of Independence, there was a capacity for admission of 100 students annually. This number increased to 172 in 1971, and 273 later. The present number admissions is 200 every year. Currently, the total number of students studying in the institution is 1509.
The King Edward Medical College and its associated 2000-bed Mayo Hospital Lahore, have the largest number of specialities in medicine and surgery in the Country Since Independence, the number of professional units has increased from 11 to 39 Very expensive and sophisticated diagnostic and therapeutic equipment is operating its various specialised departments.
This College is the seat of a number of regional centres, sponsored by World Health Organization, like the Provincial Teachers Training Centre (for medical education) and a centre for Control of Diarrhoea I Diseases and also houses the headquarters of the Pakistan Medical Research Council.
There is a very large number of renowned educationists/doctors produced by the College who have distinguished themselves as Medical Educators, Research Scientists and Administrators.
However, the names of only a few are mentioned who steer medical education and the health delivery system through its most critical years at t time of Independence and put it on sound and progressive footing Col., .Illahi Bakhsh, M.D., MRCP, Prof. of Medicine/Principal, Col. S.M.K. Mali Director Health Services, Prof. Shujaat Alim, Principal, Fatima Jinnah Medical College Lahore, Prof. Riaz A. Qadeer, Prof. of Surgery Principal, K.E. Medical College, Lahore. Prof. Ameer ud Din, FRCS Professor of Surgery, Prof. M.A.H. Siddiqi, M.S, Prof. Surgery, Prof. Bashir, M.S. Prof. of ENT/Eye, Prof. Dr. Ramzan Ali Syed, Prof. of Eye Col. Sami, Prof. of Gynaecology, Prof. Yousaf, M.D., Prof. of Medicine, Prof. Yar Muhammad, M.D., Prof. of Medicine, Prof. M.A. Pirzada, Prof. S.M.K. Wasti, Prof. Paediatrics, Prof. Riaz All-Shah\".
Some of the brilliant young product of this College of World renown who a working abroad are Dr. Ayyub Ommayya, Dr. Amanullah, Dr. K. Butt, Dr. M. Kazi and many others.
To commemorate the 125th year of King Edward Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan Post Office is issuing one postage stamp of Rs. 3/ value on July, 28 1985.
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