The Commemorative will be available for sale on and from the 28th February, 1965 at all important Post Offices in Pakistan, at Philatelic Bureaux and Philatelic Counters at Karachi, Hyderabad, Quetta, Multan, Lyallpur, Sialkot, Murree, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Peshawar, Khulna, Dacca, Sylhet, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Moenjodaro and some of the Pakistan Diplomatic Missions abroad. Part of the community and “How to help the Blind” is a burning question facing the modern civilization. Every country is trying its utmost to do every thing possible for the welfare of the blind. Pakistan Post Office is issu-ing this commemorative postage stamp to direct the attention of the public and the concerning institutions to this national aspect of life. In Pakistan the work for the welfare of the blind is being supervised by the “National Federation for the Welfare of the Blind”.
The Federation is a national body and is affiliated to the World Council for the Welfare of the Blind. It has a Braille Press, which is the only Press of its kind in Pakistan managed and run for the welfare of the Blind. The Federation has chalked out a syllabus which has been approved by the Education Department. The Braille Press started printing and publishing Text Books according to approved syllabus which are being supplied in Karachi and West Pakistan for the education of the blind. Arrangements to get the syllabus approved and to supply books for East-Pakistan is also in hand. The “Holy Quran” and a book on the life of the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) has also been of Education and the Directorate of Social Welfare are also contributing an annual grant of about Rs.15,000 and Rs. 5,000 respectively.
The following Institutions/Schools are affiliated to the Federation.
1. The Adult Blind Centre, Karachi (West Pakistan)
2. The Ida Rieu Poor Welfare Association, Karachi (West Pakistan).
3. Rotary School for the Blind, Dacca (East Pakistan)
4. The Association for the Prevention of Blindness, Dacca (East Pakistan).
5. The West Pakistan Society for the Blind, Rawalpindi.
6. The West Pakistan Department of Education, Lahore.
7. Blind Welfare Association (West Pakistan), Lahore.
8. Sunrise School for the Blind, Lahore (West Pakistan).
9. The Society for the Prevention and Cure of Blind-ness, Karachi (West Pakistan).
10. Pakistan Association of the Blind, Karachi (West Pakistan).
11. The Welfare Society for the Blind, Multan (West Pakistan).
The above institutions provide healthy and good accommodation for the blind. They are taught to read and write in Braille and are taught handicrafts e.g. carpet -making, weaving of doormats etc., tailoring, plastic furniture-making, cane furniture-making and carpentry etc., to enable them to earn their livelihood. Students have opportunities for recreational activities too. They are encouraged to take part in outdoor and indoor games.
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