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Monday, August 31, 2009

Birth Centenary of Mustafa Kamal Ataturk (May 19, 1981)

Mustafa Kemal, also called Mustafa Kemal Pasha was born in a family of humble origins in 1881 at Salonika. Greece. He graduated from the Military Academy at Istanbul in 1902 and joined the Army. After World War I he was posted in the Ministry of War. He supported the idea of an independent Turkey. He consequently resigned from the Army and was chosen President of National Congress. In 1920 when the British formally occupied Turkey and dissolved the Chamber of Deputies, he opened the first Grand National Assembly of Turkey; the Assembly then assumed National sovereignty with Mustafa Kemal as President and Prime Minister of the state. After militarily consolidating his control of Anatolia, Mustafa Kemal proclaimed a republic and was elected its first President (1922). The peace treaty of 1923 established Turkey’s complete independence. In 1924 Mustafa Kemal abolished the caliphate, and started his programme of sweeping reforms in Turkish politics, law and culture.
Mustafa Kemal is known as a soldier, statesman, reformer, founder and first President of the Republic of Turkey. He modernized the legal and educational systems and raised the status of women. In 1933 the name of Ataturk (Father of Turks) was conferred on him in recognition of his services for the Turkish nation. Mustafa Kemal, died in Istanbul on 10th of November. 1938. Pakistan Post Office is issuing one postage stamp of Rupee one denomination on the 19th May, 1981, to commemorate the Birth centenary of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk falling in May, 1981.

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